I'm studying video game development, and I've gotta say that yes Depict1 was a bit too easy/short. It was a good game, and it made me think of Cavestory in both graphical appearance and SFX. I think you should continue down similar paths in the future, but add some difficulty. not XBAWKS HUEG amounts, just some difficulty.
What made Depict1 "simple" was that the pattern seemed to be "Do as you're told not to." But I liked the way that Depict1 occasionally tickled your brain making you think. So I guess try to make patterns less noticeable?
I'm looking forward to games from you in the future.
With admiration:
Super Amoeba
I've always been a fan of games that are difficult enough where you had the illusion of a challenge and some tension, but never had to repeat the same thing too many times, or at least repeat a long lead-in. Depict1 has a fun way of playing with your brain and when you die you never have to repeat too much to get where you were, which I like.
If you want to keep the main game in the same realm as Depict1 but also cater to hardcore gamers, you could put side-challenges in the levels with hard-to-reach goals that ultimately earn you medals. That's the way I've been approaching things lately.
I also wanted to say that Depict1 is one of those games that comes around every once in a while that I REALLY REGRET NG not being the sponsor of. I wasn't able to make it happen this time, but keep me posted on future stuff!
Right, difficulty can be balanced with forgiveness of failure. Meat Boy / Super Meat Boy is a good example of this. Levels are incredibly difficult, but the time to respawn is probably half a second or something ridiculous like that. The game doesn't give you a chance to feel frustrated or put the controller down, every time is just "well, I'll give it one more shot."
Medals and achievements are a good approach, I'll definitely keep that in mind for whatever I end up doing next in flash. I'll definitely keep in touch for anything I cook up in the future ;D